No sit mun host äiti haki meiät joskus puol 8 ja meiän piti mennä yhteen rotareiden tervetuliaisuustilaisuuteen mulle. :D Käytiin nopee vaihtaa vaatteet ja mentii sit yhen niist Rotary Club Lambaren rotareist kotiin. No siel kaikki ihaili mun rotary bleiseriä ja halus ottaa kuvii musta jne. :D No sit jossain vaihees se rotary presidentti piti niiku puheen se esitteli mut ja näin ja sit munki piti pitää puhe. Siis se oli vähän kamalaa kun ei ollut mitään hajua et joutuisin tälläseen nii sit vaa selitin siin kaikkee. Omasta mielestäni se meni kyllä ihan sika hyvin ja sit vielä ne Rotaryt kehu mun espanjaa! En nyt oikein tiedä et oonko vaihtanu kokonaan rotary clubia kun ne mun host vanhemmat siihen kuuluu. Kauheesti ne nimittäin toivotteli mua tervetulleeks siihen clubiin ja kerto et oon ensimmäinen vaihtari niiden klubissa. Samaisessa kokouksessa mun host sisko sai tietää et se menee Taiwaniin vaihtoon! Siis silloin kun mun perhe haki mua sielt mun Rotary henkilön luota niin se kerto et tälle vuodelle on viel paikkoi vapaana joissain maissa esim. Taiwan, Venäjä, slovakia ja jotain en muist.. sit mun vanhemmat oli silleen et no tää meiän tytär haluis lähtee et Taiwan on tosi kiva paikka jne. Sit ne oli kysyny joltain Rotarilta et voiks Taiwanii mennä 14 vuotiaan ja se kuulemma käy niin nyt se mun host sisko sit menee sinne elokuussa :D Ite kun mietin kuinka vaikee tää vaihtovuos on ollut niin oon vähän huolissani et se lähtee noin nuorena, mut se on kyllä tosi kypsä ikäsekseen, että kaipa se pärjää.
Eilen heräiltiin siinä puolen päivän aikaan ja siinä 4 maissa lähettiin sit taas salille. Mentiin nyt hakee mulle oma salikortti mun host äidin kaa. Se vaan sano et juu mun aviomies lähetti tänne kirjeen et meiän kaa asuu rotary vaihtari niin sen pitäis päästä jäseneks tänne. Sit ne oli vaan silleen okei! nappas musta kuvan ja 5 min nii mulla oli se kortti kädessä :D Kerrankin asiat sujui ongelmitta ja nopeasti Paraguayssa.
Oltiin melkeen 2 tuntia salilla ja sit mentii taas uimaa ja mun host veliki tuli sinne. Oli taas tosi kiva päivä ja oon kyllä niin ilonen täällä uudessa perheessä! Tänään mennään taas tennistunnille jos ei ala sataa vettä, mut ainaki salille :)
Pusuja sinne Suomeen ja onnea vanhojen tansseihin ja penkkareihin! Chauu bellas
Hello! It's so nice that I've done so much things lately :). On tuesday I started to play tennis. Luckily there is only 4 people in the class plus me, and 2 of them are my siblings. So it doesn't mind if I do mistakes hehe.. :D Then the tennis teacher asked me why I chose to come to Paraguay.. it's always so imberresing to answer to that question because I'm like: ".. well actually I wanted to go to Mexico or Argentina, but they just decided to put me here" XD But I always add that: "But I like Paraguay so I don't mind!!!". But yeah in tennis I'm not so good yet, but it went pretty well for a first class :)!
After tennis I went to the gym with my sister, and my brother went to wait for us somewhere. We were at the gym 1,5 hours and in the end I made so much squats so I can't walk anymore haha. Then after the gym we went to the swimming pool ❤️ Life feels pretty luxury, because I started tennis and I go to this super fancy gym with an amazing view and after working out I can go to swimmingpool!
Then my host mom picked us up at 8:30pm and we had to go to a rotary meeting which was like a welcome thing for me. We went to our home to change our clothes quickly and then we went to the house of one person of the Rotary Club Lambare. Well there everyone was admiring my rotary blaizer and wanted to take pictures of me :D. Then at some point the Rotary president kept a speech and introduced me to the other rotarians and then he was like okay now can you tell us a littlebit of your year Alisa? :D It was a bit horrible because I had no idea that I have to keep a speech aswell. I was just telling about everything, our trips to Argentina etc. and what I've been doing in Paraguay. I think it went really well because in the end people said that my spanish is really good. I'm not sure if I have changed Rotary Club completely, because they were welcoming me there so much and said that I'm the first exchange student in that Rotary Club. In the same meeting my host sister got no know that she is going to Taiwan for her exchange! Whenever my family came to pick me up from the house of my Rotary person, she was telling that there is still places in some countries for this year. The countries were: Taiwan, Russia, Slovakia and something. Then my parents were like our daughter wants to go to Taiwan! So then the Rotarians asked of the district chairman I guess, if its possible to go to Taiwan when you're 14 years old. It was okay so now my sister is going to Taiwan in August :D When I'm thinking about how hard this exchange year has been for me sometimes, I'm a bit worried that she's going there when she's only 14. But she's pretty mature of her age so I guess she will be fine :) Yesterday we woke up about 12 o'clock and we went to the gym 4pm. This time we went to get me my own gym card/membership with my host mom. She said that my husband sent you a letter that we have an rotary exchange student living in our home so she needs to become a member aswell. Then they were like okay! Took a photo of me and after 5 minutes I had the card in my hand :D This was probably the first time when things work out really fast and without problems in Paraguay :D We were almost 2 hours at the gym and after that we went to the swimming pool where my host brother came also. Again it was a really nice day and I'm so happy in this new family! Today we'll go again to the tennis class if its not going to rain, but atleast at the gym :)
Chau Bellas!
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